Team Home
Fairview- Beaudry/Hess (10U D)

Team Administration Division Standings
Asst. Coach:Karley Beaudry440-320-2497 
Rocky River Gumucio120036
Olmsted Captains (SR)93030
N.Royalton Cicerchi84028
Brecksville Salay57022
Westlake Thompson57022
Fairview- Beaudry/Hess210016
Lakewood Maxwell112015
Points: Win = 3, Loss = 1, Tie = 2

No current announcements.
Game5/226:00pm at Rocky River Gumucio133 Rocky River High School
Game5/286:30pm at Westlake Thompson2310 Clague Memorial Fields
Game5/316:30pm Olmsted Captains (SR)149 Fairview - Bohlken Pk #5
Game6/36:30pm Lakewood Maxwell2014 Fairview - Bohlken Pk #5
Game6/116:30pm Westlake Thompson1610 Fairview - Bohlken Pk #5
Game6/176:15pm at N.Royalton Cicerchi1812 NR York #7
Game6/216:30pm at Lakewood Maxwell1314 Lakewood HS - North Lot
Game6/226:00pm at Olmsted Captains (SR)166 Olmsted Falls HS Field #4
Game7/16:30pm N.Royalton Cicerchi2215 Fairview - Bohlken Pk #5
Game7/86:30pm Rocky River Gumucio1511 Fairview - Bohlken Park
Game7/166:30pm Brecksville Salay2423 Fairview - Bohlken Pk #5
Game7/176:15pm at Brecksville Salay1019 Brecksville City Fields B

©Copyright Mike Binder and the Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association 2000-2020