

WHAT Is the Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association?                                                                        

The Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association is a community and school-based organization established for the purpose of teaching and developing fastpitch softball skills, experience and enjoyment of the game. Player development is directed toward high school participation and beyond. League-specific rules and National Federation of High School Athletic fastpitch softball rules (approved by the Ohio High School Athletic Association) are applied to league play in this association.


WHO participates in the Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association?                                    

Participation is limited to teams in Cuyahoga County and surrounding areas. Teams are organized within age-specific divisions: 10 & under, 12 & under, 14& under, 18 & under Junior Varsity and 18 & under Varsity. Age requirements are determined by a player's age as of September 1 of the year prior to the playing season.


WHEN Do Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association Teams Play?                                                      

 The playing season begins in May for younger players in divisions 10 & under and 12 & under. Older players begin their playing schedules at the completion of the high school season – this includes 14 & under and 18 & under teams. All league play and league tournaments are completed by July 31.           


WHERE Do Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association Teams Play?                                                       

All teams must provide a home playing site. Schedules are developed in March prior to each playing season so that teams can procure their sites accordingly. League tournaments are hosted by various member communities and dates for tournament play are determined by field availability.


HOW Do I Enter a Team in the Emerald Necklace Fastpitch Softball Association and what are the costs?                             

You must begin by establishing a charter membership in the association. If your community or school organization already holds a charter membership, you must contact those individuals for further information (i.e. recreation department, high school coach, softball or sports association, etc.) If you are not sure if a charter membership already exists in your community, contact association president,   Jo Ann Allen at the email address below.

New groups applying for membership may do so up to January 15 prior to the playing season.                        

Charter application fee is $25.00.                                                                                                                                       

Team registration takes place at the annual February meeting of the association.                               

 Registration fees are $500 per team ALL levels                                                                                                                       

Additional expenses include, but may not be limited to:                                                                                    

·       Current forfeit fee for all teams.                                                                                                                       

·       USA Softball insurance fee and Coaches Background Check fee determined by USA Softball registration invoice.                                                                                                                                                                       

·       All teams must schedule Ohio High School Athletic Association certified umpires for their home games and are responsible for payment of umpire fees as specified by league rules.                                                     

·       All teams must have numbered uniforms and National Federation approved equipment.

·       Notification of meeting date, time and location is posted on the home page of the association website.


For further information, please contact Jo Ann Allen  joann_allen@breezelineohio.net